Monday 7 March 2011

College Magazine Cover 2

The strengths of this college magazine cover are:
  • The colours are all very bright which will draw the attention of my target audience as teenagers usually like bright colours
  • The font looks like a font that would be recognised as being related to schools which shows that it appeals to my target audience of school/college students
  • The incentives are good as they relate to my target audience of school/college students
  • The ripped paper on the top of the photo shows that this magazine is for students as the ripped edges sow they are usually quite scruffy and the lines on the paper is the type of paper that students would typically use to write their notes up in
  • The image of the two students working together and laughing shows that they enjoy doing their work and they like the environment that they are in as it suggests that they can socialise and get their work done at the same time.
The weaknesses of this college magazine cover are:
  • Although the bright colours may attract students, it also means that there isn't really a set colour scheme which means that it may not be as effective as the other magazine covers I have produced as, apart from the logo, it doesn't really relate to Sponne School
  • Even though the font relates to my target audience, it is all the same so that there is no variety with the font. This could be a problem as my target audience may find this boring which may be the reason that they don't buy it, as school/college students get bored very easily and will not buy a magazine if the cover doesn't interest them
  • There is not enough cover lines on there, if the target audience is uninterested in the magazine cover then they will not be persuaded to buy it as school/college students tend to get bored very easily. If there were more cover lines then the potential readers may be persuaded to buy it more as the more cover lines there are, the more likely that the target audience will be interested in one of the cover lines featured on the magazine
  • There needs to be more images on the front cover that are related to the cover lines as the target audience are more interested in looking at the pictures than having to do a lot of reading.

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